International Academy of Refrigeration (IAR)

Announces the annual competitive admission to the Academy's ranks

According to the IAR Charter, the right to nominate candidates for participation in the competition is granted to: presidiums of national and regional IAR branches, IAR representative branches, international organisations, higher educational institutions, enterprises, firms, scientists, and specialists.

Candidates shall submit the following documents:

for individual members:
  • an application to the IAR President, Academician I.V. Baranov, expressing the desire to participate in the competition, certified by a current member of the IAR. The application should indicate: the academic title sought, IAR section, place of work, position held, citizenship, date of birth (day, month, year), academic title and degree, office and home addresses, phone numbers, email, and website of the organisation;
  • brief information about scientific and production activities (for scientific and academic workers);
  • a list of the main scientific works, no more than 10-15 (for scientific and academic workers);
  • expected direction of personal participation in the IAR activities;
  • membership fee must be paid.
for legal entities (collective members):
  • an application from the head of the organisation to the IAR President, Academician I.V. Baranov, about joining the IAR;
  • a brief description of the main activities of the organisation;
  • significant completed projects (for engineering staff and industry specialists);
  • postal address, phone numbers, email, and website of the organisation;
  • paid membership fee for collective members.

On 24 April 2025
the 32nd General Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Refrigeration will be held at the following address: 9 Lomonosova St., St. Petersburg, ITMO University.

The decision on the election of new IAR members is made at the general annual meeting of the International Academy of Refrigeration by voting.

Documents will be accepted until 31 March 2025.

Contact us in any convenient manner.

We always welcome new ideas and will answer your questions:

St. Petersburg, ITMO University, International Academy of Refrigeration
(site at 9 Lomonosova St., MAH, office 2112-b)


Phone: 8(812)480-0654

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